” Bring Durian’s Price in Singapore Back to 1980. “
Cheap, Affordable and High Quality.
Our business model works by bringing large quantities of durians to Singapore and securing the supply of our favourite durians from Pahang, by having leverage of large quantities to outbid other countries.
We need to have the leverage to negotiate and get plantation owners to only supply their limited durian stocks to us, Singaporeans.
Ultimately, flooding Singapore’s market with fresh quality durians at affordable price for you and your family to enjoy
What is it like now?
How often have you heard that durians are experiencing inflation and extremely short supply from sellers in Singapore? Almost every single durian season.
Just like any other products in the market, durians do experience increase in price over the years but not at the ridiculous rate that you’re being sold in Singapore.
The truth is, these sellers do not have the negotiating power to secure an affordable supply line because of their weak demand, until we do.
Just look at the export data below, from the Durian Harvest Association. On the left piechart, Thailand in 2016 alone exported 402 million KG of Durian fruit, accounting for 95% of global trade, while our favourite durians from Malaysia only accounts approximately 4% of global supply.

For every 1000 durians being harvested in the world. Only 40 of them are our usual favourite type.
Now, look at the durian import piechart on the right side. China brings in 66% of all durians stock from the world, that includes our favourite durians from Malaysia.
To put it simply, 40 durians of Malaysia origin are now being bid across different countries, and China is getting more than half of them.
That means, Singapore is only be getting 1-2 durians of Malaysia’s origin out of every 1000 durians harvested in the world with a ridiculously inflated price tag.
Now, every sellers in Singapore has to bid among each other for that 1-2 durians daily just to satisfy our durian craving. This short supply of durians creates an imaginary high price tag.
We Singaporeans, love our durians. It is a great fruits that satisfy our taste bud with its strong bittersweet and creamy texture.
With DurianSGPrime, our goal is to bring durian’s price back to 1980, to win over our supply back and provide affordable durians to all Singaporeans.
Our fresh quality durians are already cheaper by at least 20% right now compared to any reputable durian sellers in Singapore.
We collaborate directly with plantations owners in Pahang to secure these durians for Singaporeans, unlike other durians sellers that are still buying the supply of agents.
Check out below and see how it is like for other durian sellers in Singapore

Harvested From Plantations

Mass Purchase By Suppliers

Sub Agent Bought Supply At Hiked Price

Retail Shop Sells Durian At High Margin

Durians Served at High Price
As for us, we work directly with the plantations owner, skipping all agents and suppliers. Ultimately, cheaper durians for everyone.
By purchasing from us, you’ll be joining hands with other Singaporeans to help our people secure a quality and affordable durians supply for today and future generations.
Currently, we’re at least 20% cheaper than most reputable sellers in Singapore.